Monday, September 15, 2014


From the time my legs hit the cold ground in the morning
till the time my tired head hits the soft pillow in the night
The mind is wandering from the hurried brushing, a quick shower
to the namaste God and to the kitchen stove.
And then back to the cleaning,cooking,
do-it-fast, do-it-fast, do-it-fast routine.

I want to save up time to spend with my mom,
I hurriedly run thru my self-acclaimed responsibilities.
But in this hurriedness,
I loose myself, I loose my focus.
I loose the very reason why I ran hurriedly
up-and-down throughout the day.

When the head hits the pillow,
it swirls and swirls in weird thoughts
and guiltful reasoning.
No I could not today.
I will hurry thru much faster tomorrow.
I will promise I will spend more time with her tomorrow...

Friday, July 18, 2014

Old Age

What is love?
Murmuring soft things into your ears,
Blind folding you to show your new special gift
A deep French kiss...
Sharing your panipuri half you half me?

What is love?
Talking softly near your ears so that you can hear better
Holding your hands and taking you to the loo, lest you fall and hurt yourself again
Massaging your back as you puke for the nth time
Sharing and enjoying your diet food with you?

What is love?
Sharing an umbrella walk on a rainy day,
Buying you a kancheevaram saree for your birthday
A new necklace for your house warming ceremony
Waiting for you to come home for a dinner together?

What is love?
Holding the tarpaulin on the auto side on a rainy day
helping you change into your hospital gown before the major surgery
telling you its ok to remove your mangal sutra for your therapy
waiting for you to swallow that tiny morsel?

What is love?
A teenage love,
middle-age love or
the care and compassionate love
that you only aspire for in your old-age?