There are loads of cards on display when you go to the " I miss you" section of the greeting card shop. There are different types of e-cards which help you express your "missing" feeling err... I mean " I miss you" feeling. You might have sent these to your best friends during your school time after she changed the school because here papa got a transfer to another city. You must have spent money and given these to your BF/GF durign your teenage times etc. How much you might have actually felt, how much you actually meant can never be equal to what a mother feels when she is separated from her child, may be just for a few hours.
These words hit hard on me when I call back home to check on my daughter and hear her babble dadddaaa mammaaa to my mom-in-law. She does not say that she misses me, nor would she understand my world of words. But she cuddles next to me all night waking up umpteen times to check if I am next to her. I hug her and shower kisses on her as soon as I reach home. Its just that no card or present can replace your actual presence.
These words hit hard on me when I call back home to check on my daughter and hear her babble dadddaaa mammaaa to my mom-in-law. She does not say that she misses me, nor would she understand my world of words. But she cuddles next to me all night waking up umpteen times to check if I am next to her. I hug her and shower kisses on her as soon as I reach home. Its just that no card or present can replace your actual presence.